Closing at the end of 2020 felt pretty miserable. Stocked with the debris of the ingredients to create ‘substantial meals’ and with an exhausted team we retreated, took stock (again) and sighed a very big sigh.

Seemingly we were back to square one… and there were rumours circling that it would be May before we’d see the doors open again. So after a period of time licking our wounds it was time to re-group, re-think and re-imagine what exactly we would want our pub to be for ourselves and for our customers when we returned.

Perhaps there was an opportunity to flip this mess to our advantage and finally achieve the things we never got round to the first time we opened many years ago? We can’t go back… we can only go forward. And so whilst this pub will always have one foot firmly placed in its history we felt ready to start embracing its future.

For so long the Garnet has stayed solid, sturdy and timeless… but it’s now more than ever we need nurturing. We’re not sure we want to see white walls when we come out of this we want a hug and we want to have fun! So we sat down and popped some of our favourite images, textures and colours together on a mood board and discussed the areas of the pub which work… and which perhaps don’t.


AND WOW it has been just the tonic we needed. We’re gradually working our way top to toe in this building at the moment and loving every minute… expect dark textures, incredible photography, vintage finds and cushions (yes you heard it… you’ll at last be allowed a cushion or two!).

We’ve got a long way to go and we’ll be trying to update as much as possible on our socials but for now here’s a sneaky behind the scenes pic from the George Plunkett room…

We can’t wait to welcome you back …

Lauren Gregory