We were fortunate enough to meet winemaker TIM SMITH this week who was visiting all the way from the Barossa valley in Australia.

Tim’s award-winning wines have been on the shelves of the Garnet since lockdown (and at one point during Christmas two years ago we were so inundated with online orders for his Barossa Shiraz that we completely sold out - clearly the government announcements had turned thoughts to deliciously drinkable red wine and Australian vineyards!)

Tim’s unpretentious approach to wine making is exactly the kind of way we think here at the pub. In Tims words:

“I’m still unashamedly heavily influenced by the wines of the Rhone Valley, but with a very healthy respect for our regional Barossa wine style. We see no point in trying to reinvent the wheel when the wine styles and regionality we enjoy in the Barossa has been around for nearly 180 years; the region must be doing something right. However-the wine geek in me cant help tinkering and responding to our different yearly vintage challenges.

Just as importantly-we want to try and demystify a lot of the elitism about wine: it’s a social lubricant after all; it should be fun…”

We currently have Tim Smith Bugalugs Shiraz available here by the glass this month as well as the bottle . As of next week we are also aiming to stock his Barossa Mataro and Viognier so watch this space!

Thanks Tim! See you soon!

Lauren Gregory