There has been much to celebrate recently about actually managing to make it through Christmas so it came as quite a treat that we were able to meet with the maker of one of our favourite English Sparkling Wines this month and learn more about Langham Estate Winery…

Tommy Grimshaw is perhaps the youngest professional winemaker in the UK and listening to him talk passionately about the way in which the wines are produced (with huge care given to their environmental impact) was exactly what we needed to kick us out of the January blues and start thinking of 2022 and how lucky we are to stock such special suppliers.

Tommy described their method of low intervention and their approach to looking after their working team so that only the finest grapes make the edit (and these grapes go straight in to the wines). His evocative descriptions of the beautiful fields in which the grapes are hand-picked has ensured a trip to Dorset is very much on the cards this Summer. Another thing we also really appreciated from the point of view of training and selling was how simple they have kept their labels! If you look around the back you’ll find out exactly what is in these wines without all the additional fluff…

Langham was named Sparkling Wine Producer of the Year at the IWSC 2020. If you’re looking for an alternative to Champagne then look no further.

We sell it here online or in our shop and it is available to drink in the pub also…

Thanks to Derek Robertson, Lea & Sandeman, Tommy Grimshaw and Langham

Lauren Gregory